9th October – Trinity 17: Gratitude and Remembering

9th October 2022

17th Sunday after Trinity 2022   St Andrew’s Milngavie


Robin led our service this morning while Andrea is away. Today’s music played by Hugh particularly resonated with the theme and was enjoyed by all.
Notices for this week:
Tuesday 10am – Ecumenical Prayer Group in the Garden Room.
Thursday 10amSaid Eucharist followed by coffee in Friendship House
Next Sunday 16th October – AGM –
in church after the service – please do support. Papers for the AGM will be e-circulated. A small number of paper copies will also be available.

Next week’s readings – Genesis 32.22-31   2 Timothy 3.14-4.5 Luke 18.1-8

Today’s readings – 2 Kings 5.1-3, 7-15c   2 Timothy 2.8-15 Luke 17.11-19

Robin emphasised Paul’s teaching regarding the destructive influence of wrangling ‘which does no good but only ruins those who are listening.’ 2 Timothy:14. Focusing on Christ and the unity he brings helps us in situations of conflict.

The gospel reading tells of the healing of 10 lepers but the thankful response of only one out of the ten. The showing of gratitude has a powerful influence in bringing a sense of well being to both the giver and receiver.

Robin pointed out how in the Old Testament story of the healing of Naaman, it was Naaman’s subordinates who encouraged him to go and wash in the Jordan seven times.  Likewise it was the young servant girl in the first place who suggested to her mistress that Elisha could heal her master. ‘If only my Lord were with the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy’. 2 Kings 5:3  Sometimes the people who may feel small and unimportant have an important role to play in God’s healing and actions among his people.

Showing gratitude and remembering Christ, as we do in our Eucharist has the power to bring unity and healing.