Today’s readings: Acts 3: 12-19, 1 John 3: 1-7, Luke 24: 36-48
On Sunday, we heard the scripture story of Jesus appearing to the frightened disciples and speaking words of peace, reassuring them of his living presence with them. Our visiting priest, Rev Kevin Francis, spoke on the power of hymns in evoking Christ’s presence, relating this to the appearance of the risen Christ to the disciples. Kevin said that hymns can speak directly to people, and in a special way Jesus can appear to us as we sing a favourite hymn. At the end of life sometimes hearing a favourite hymn may be the last conscious experience of someone and hearing the loved and familiar words may even produce a smile in response.
Next Week’s readings: Acts 4:5-12, 1 John 3: 16-end, John 10: 11-18
Our Services continue with a said Eucharist on Thursday at 10 am, followed by refreshments in Friendship House and on Sundays Sung Eucharist at 10 am. The Inter-church Prayer Group meets on Tuesdays at 10 am in the Garden Room at the rear of the hall. All are welcome at any of these times.