1st June – Flower and Music Festival

11th June 2024


Once again at the the start of Milngavie week St Andrew’s hosted a Flower and Music Festival with beautiful flower arrangements created by members of Milngavie churches and music played throughout the day by pupils of the Haydock Music School. Flower arrangements were inspired by a song, hymn or piece of music which included Psalm 100, ‘Jerusalem the Golden’, ‘All things bright and beautiful’ complete birds, butterflies and insects, Psalm 23, ‘Ladies in Lavendar’ and ‘I do like to be beside the seaside’! Much imagination and creativity was involved in making the floral arrangements to link with the theme.



The sun shone bringing crowds into the town centre to view the many vintage cars and participate in other community events. The church provided a relaxed haven to sit and listen to music amidst the beauty of flowers. Many folk enjoyed refreshments next door in Friendship House too.



Mary Lou, Haydock Music School’s manager, organised the wonderfully varied music programme and was there throughout the day to support the players as well as at times performing herself when there were any gaps. The experience of performing in an informal setting with family and friends nearby, helped to build confidence, especially for some of the youngsters who hadn’t been learning for very long. We were also grateful to Penny Haydock who similarly played and accompanied some of the performers. After a clarinet duet with Geoff and a young family friend, Penny and Geoff treated us to a lovely duet on piano and clarinet to end the afternoon.



We were delighted to raise nearly £300 which the church is making up to £500, in support of Water Aid.

Thanks to Mary Lou and all the young performers, and to all those who contributed such beautiful and creative flower arrangements for making the day such a success.