Herald News 20th January: Wedding Wine and Coffee!

20th January 2022

District News for 20 January for M&B Herald

 Continuing our Sunday 10.00am Sung Eucharist, our readings this week were from Isaiah 62.1-5, followed by 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and the Gospel from John 2:1-11 which latter being one of the best known passages of the bible (and possibly in the world) with yet another story of a wedding and on this occasion the turning of the water into fine wine to help out the embarrassment to the host of a shortage of wine which would be a disaster in any party. Our Lord reacts to a request from his mother, on this occasion addressing her as ‘woman’ thus subtly indicating that the nature of their relationship had changed from being Jesus’ mother to being a disciple and looking to the future when she has to witness his crucifixion.

Our services at present are not followed by our well-liked coffee and chat and we look forward to when this may be resumed. It is so difficult to maintain the one metre distancing when the service ends, as people naturally wish to chat.

Our St Andrew’s Hall is however open for various classes enhancing our wish to be involved in and assist in the wider community activities which mostly or actually always! involve physical activity with dancing being to the fore. Our mid-week services continue with our Ecumenical Prayer Group on Tuesdays at 10.00am and our quiet and reflective Said Eucharist on a Thursday and this week we will be back into Friendship House as it is reopening this week. Meantime it will be open solely on Thursdays and Fridays but provided staff can be sourced this will be extended. If you are reading this and are a church member of any church in the area, please think of coming along and perhaps even offering to be in the kitchen or a befriender (chatty waitress!)