8th September – Trinity 15: Christian Action

9th September 2024

We welcomed Sally to lead our service with music to accompany our worship provided by Abigail on the piano.

This week
Tuesday 10am – Prayer Group in the Garden Room.
Thursday 10am – Said Holy Communion followed by coffee in Friendship House

Coming up – Tim told us about the planned outing for Saturday 28th to walk over the newly opened Partick Bridge to visit Govan Parish Church which houses Celtic and Viking artefacts. The museum at Fairfield Shipyard is also nearby and there is a cafe for refreshments. Details to be confirmed nearer the time.

Next Week’s readings – Isaiah 50:4-9,  James 3:1-12,  Mark 8:27-end

Today’s readings – Isaiah 35:4-7, James 2: 1-10, 14-17, Mark 7:24 to end

Sally reflected on the passage from James which speaks of the need for faith to include actions: ‘Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.’ James 2:7

Faith should not be treated like some kind of insurance policy though, paying lip service to Christianity with an occasional church attendance on a Sunday, reciting words of faith but without it affecting actions and behaviour.

Sally mentioned the three ‘Ds’: Doctrine, Devotion and Duty and how faith needs to include and be a balance of all three, our belief, our worship and our actions. True faith inspires Christian action of compassion, generosity and commitment to justice. It is not action taken out of a sense of duty.

However she stressed that we do not earn the acceptance and love of God by our actions but that God’s love is a gift freely given to all through his grace.