Malachi 3:1-5 Hebrews 2:14-end Luke 2 22-40 This week has been a week of bittersweet news. On the one hand we have been encouraged by the number of people now receiving the vaccine but on the other we mark the significant number of 100,000 deaths now related to Covid 19. We… read more >>
We had a church coffee zoom on sunday where those who could make their computers behave were able to join for a round table discussion. It is said that cleanliness is next to godliness but we seemed to stray into a discussion as to who had cleaned their cookers recently!… read more >>
The Season of Christmas has now passed & the nativity scene and Advent candles have now been carefully stored away. Thanks to Robert and Freda who continue to visit and care for our church while we are not able to be there. Robert took this photo of the sanctuary with… read more >>
Genesis 14:17-20 Rev 19:6-10 John 2:1-11 Normally at his time of year the wedding season is getting underway. Wedding planners, venues, excited bridal couples and event managers are all frantically securing arrangements, menus and outfits. But of course, not this year! the most enthusiastically sought-after event this year is a… read more >>
Amongst decisions made at a fruitful Zoom Vestry meeting last Monday was the agreement to have a congregational coffee chat on screen monthly on Sundays at 11.45, starting on 24th January, after the SEC online service. For the Second Sunday after Epiphany, this Episcopal Church celebration of Eucharist was led… read more >>
1 Samuel 3:1-10 Revelation 5:1-10 John 1:43-end One of the highlights of this week has been the arrival in the post of my new outdoor-shoe ice-grips, officially known as micro spikes. Of course, they arrived just as the ground was thawing but I did manage to find a patch of… read more >>
The Baptism of Christ 2021 St Andrews Milngavie Genesis 1:1-5 Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 Today we celebrate the Baptism of Christ. In many ways it seems appropriate to think of baptism at the start of a new year as baptism is associated with new beginnings, it speaks of repentance, rebirth… read more >>