19th April – Andrea’s Letter: 2nd Sunday of Easter

21st April 2020

Acts 2:14,22-32

1 Peter 1 :3-9

John 20:19-23

Jesus Christ is Risen.

He is risen indeed.  Hallelujah!      

As I sit here at my computer preparing to write my weekly letter to you, I realise it’s been nearly five weeks of isolation! The Easter weekend is now behind us – a milestone in itself – and the lockdown has now been officially extended. We are told to stay strong – these days will pass.  But it’s tough!

Today – the first Sunday after Easter – is traditionally known as Low Sunday and we may be forgiven for feeling just that! Today’s scripture may provide some much-needed direction.  Although each of these texts are set in ancient times, they can still speak to us today in our context of isolation and uncertainty.

In the epistle, Peter is giving words of encouragement to his followers many of whom are suffering exile and persecution. He says “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ………….. In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials…….. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,  for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”

In the reading from Acts Peter says to the crowd “God raised him up and put an end to the suffering of death, since it was impossible for him to be held in its power” A truly transforming sentence that speaks of the power of the resurrection.  May it bring hope and salvation to us – death does not have the last word and nor does this virus!

In the gospel the disciples are gathered behind closed doors, sheltering together through fear and uncertainty – not unlike us today.  But into this theatre of anguish and despair the Risen Christ appears offering peace, love and forgiveness to his disciples in their hour of need.

Our hearts go out to all those who are suffering and struggling currently, especially those who are sick, those who care for them in hospitals and homes and all those who are worried financially.  Many are suffering at the hand of this virus – not necessarily through disease.

So… we need courage as we face the next stage of the lockdown.  On the positive side the forecast is marvellous for the next week – our gardens will never have looked so good!  Many of us are rediscovering talents and hobbies that we had long neglected and forgotten about.  At home we have tried several new recipes and my third attempt at a jersey is finally bearing fruit!

I will look forward to joining you all again via YouTube on Thursday for our morning Eucharist. Please feel free to telephone me at any time.

My love and prayers to you all as always


A Prayer for God’s blessing

Loving God, bless and receive all who are affected by Coronavirus:


Those who are sick and afraid

Those who are especially vulnerable

Those for whom home is not safe or available

Those who have lost their livelihoods

Those who have lost their lives

Those mourning for loved ones.

Bless all people caring for the sick

Give them strength, wisdom, endurance

Grant them healing hands

Surround them with your love.

Spare us in the time of trial

Deliver us from evil.
