9th August – Service with a difference!

13th August 2020




‘O still small voice of calm’



The folks of St. Andrew’s came prepared on Sunday, following the Scottish Government’s announcement that face masks are now a requirement in places of worship. Spares are also always available at the door, should you forget.

Sunday’s service was non-eucharistic, with members of the congregation taking part in a shorter form of worship in Andrea’s absence. Because we are not yet allowed to sing together, we tried an alternative way of sharing the hymn ‘Dear Lord and Father of Mankind’ – the words, taken from a longer poem by the American Quaker John Greenleaf Whittier and normally set to Parry’s familiar tune, were spoken very effectively over some quiet organ chords. Perhaps we’ll explore other ways of ‘not singing’ in the coming weeks. We’re doubly fortunate, of course, not only that our permitted ‘cantor’ is prepared to sing solo from behind a screen, but also that she does it so beautifully. Thanks to all helpers for their cheerful willingness.
Andrea is still hoping to record the Thursday eucharist, from different locations (complete with authentic sounds effects), so please look out for the video on the church website. The Thursday service will resume in the church building at the beginning of September.
We look forward to having Fraser, our Reader Emeritus, lead the worship this coming Sunday.