26th January – Cookers and Books!

26th January 2021

We had a church coffee zoom on sunday where those who could make their computers behave were able to join for a round table discussion. It is said that cleanliness is next to godliness but we seemed to stray into a discussion as to who had cleaned their cookers recently!  Well you need to talk about something. And there needs to be some reply when asked ‘what have you been doing?’

Well we had been doing something, as we had another Book Club zoom to discuss our latest book ‘The Girl from the Limberlost’ by Gene Stratton-Porter, written around 1909 where the soon to be happy couple were very Victorian.  Their wedding  would have been quite extravagant, set in the USA at that time. Incidentally the author became a millionaire!! so Mills and Boon watch out! Our next book ‘Motherwell’ by Debrah Orr, is set closer to home & is a memoir of growing up in Lanarkshire in the 60s & 70s, a time which some of us will remember!

Many of us followed the service you-tubed from Bishop Andrew Swift from Dundee who with his wife and some parishioners led us in our usual act of worship The Holy Eucharist. The prayers were interspersed with the singing and piano accompaniment of the Taize chant ‘O Lord, hear my prayer’, all movingly spoken, sung and played by the intercessor, Deacon Gary.