2nd February – Faith, Prayer and Courage

2nd February 2021

Our Rector continues to send a link by email to the celebration of Eucharist each Thursday. Andrea records the service alone in the church with her tablet, but knows that many of us join her later virtually, and are very grateful for what’s provided. This past month’s videos have had the bonus of featuring a lovely display of greenery and flowers.

This Sunday, we celebrated Candlemas, marking the end of the season of Christmas and Epiphany, and recalling the day on which Christ was presented by his parents in the temple.

Online for the Scottish Episcopal Church, The Rt Rev Ian Paton, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane led a celebration of the Eucharist with hymn accompaniments by the organist Michael Bawtree, and words displayed on screen. One of the hymns was the popular ‘We Lay Our Broken World’ by Anna Briggs, which serves as a prayer for others, ending with these words in the final verse:

O Spirit, on us breathe,
with life and strength anew;
find in us love, and hope and trust,
and lift us up to you.

In the sad week when the Covid death toll in the UK passed the 100,000 mark, the College of Bishops of the SEC asked for prayers for all those who have suffered during the pandemic.

In her own message, Andrea reflected on Simeon, Mary and Anna, the three faithful servants who appear in the scripture readings, and that which has much to offer us in these days of lockdown – their examples of faith, prayer and courage.