13th March – Lenten Sharing

13th March 2021

On the evening of Wednesday 10th March, we had another Lent Zoom discussion; a chance for St. Andrew’s folks to see each other and share our experience of the Ignatian Spirituality Centre’s online retreat, ‘Knowing Jesus’. It was helpful and encouraging to share reflections relating to the retreat, as well as recent SEC sermons & other Lenten resources.

The Prayer and Spirituality Team of the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway invited us to a quiet morning on Zoom in preparation for Easter, on Saturday 13th March: ‘Taken & Given, a dialogue between Covid-19 and the Crucifixion’ will looked at the pain of loss, and on receiving, when hope may be in short supply.

The SEC Sunday Eucharist will be available as usual at 11am online, accessible here – http://www.scotland.anglican.org/broadcast-sunday-worship/. In addition to this, if you’ve got young children (pre-school to early primary years) anywhere in your church or family, you can join in with the enchanting mix of games, activities, songs and Bible teachings that form the 10–15-minute episodes of Children’s Chapel every week, an offering from the Province that’s co-ordinated by our Canon Missioner, the Rev Canon Audrey O’Brien Stewart. A rota of leaders from around the Province has been assembled to share in the weekly presentations.

Andrea looks forward to joining us all again via YouTube on Thursday for our morning Eucharist, and she reminded us in her weekly letter that, although we cannot yet be with her in person in the church building, we can be assured that, through the Holy Spirit, Christ walks alongside us wherever we are and however we connect, as members of God’s family.