17th March – Good News!

17th March 2021

On Mothering Sunday we heard the  lessons from Luke 2:33-35, Numbers 21:4-9 and Ephesians 2:1-10, timed with the  great news that we shall be reopening the church on Palm Sunday in time for our Holy Week services and the celebration of Easter. Casting our minds back to this time last year when the crisis was beginning, little did we know then how it would evolve and how our lives would change.  It has certainly been a year of challenges as we have strived to live with ever-changing government restrictions, social isolation and fear of the virus itself.  Like other churches we have had to embrace new technology in order to stay in touch, we have had to learn patience as we wait for our vaccines and we have had to discern how to pass our time when our usual avenues of activities have been unavailable.

We are sure that there will be some aspects of last year which we may wish to continue with but there may also be others, less palatable, which we will not. But by next year hopefully we shall be celebrating Mothering Sunday more fully again, a day when mothers up and down the nation are treated with floral gifts, chocolates and lunches out. The tradition originates from medieval times when people would visit their nearest cathedral, their mother church.  In later years it became the custom to visit mothers and give thanks for their care and love.  It is a festival which is associated with joy, flowers, happiness and love.  But it can equally be a difficult time.

Mothering Sunday is relational in its nature, and relationships are all about feelings and emotion. At the heart of many of our relationships is the emotion of love.  But as we all know love can be costly and love can be painful. But we heard in our gospel this week  the wonderful scene of Mary entering the temple with her newborn son to present him to the Lord.  Guided by the Holy Spirit Simeon also enters the temple at the same time.  He blesses the baby, he is full of praise and adoration as it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit  that he would not die till he had seen the Messiah. In great joy and celebration, he says, “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” ( Luke 2:29-32)

With these stirring words and with the good news from our FM, we are very pleased to confirm again that we shall be opening the church for worship on 28th March Palm Sunday 10am, followed by services during Holy week and culminating in the Great Festival of Easter .