23rd May – Pentecost

28th May 2021

For Whitsunday our service was based  on three readings – Acts 2.1-21, Romans 8.2-27 with the Gospel from John 15 and 16.

Our preacher was our Lay Reader Emeritus Fraser Gold who took the first part of the service, the Ministry of the Word, in which he expounded the message from the readings. ‘The disciples being filled with the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost they go out in joy and with courage to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all who will listen. They have received the gift promised by Jesus. This is Christ’s Advocate, the spirit of truth gifted from the Father to all who confess Jesus as Lord, empowering each believer to tell the world about Jesus. As we follow in the footsteps of these first disciples how does the Holy Spirit living within us make Jesus known today?’ This message Fraser illustrated by episodes from his own life where suddenly he was infused by an occurrence totally unexpected and of great wonderment.

The hymns included  ‘Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire’ sung beautifully by our soloist Laura with the first hymn being ‘Come down O Love Divine’ The service of the Sacrament was taken by Rev Robin Paisley standing in for Andrea who was on holiday.

Martha and Edith made pentecost flame shakers which they waved during the final blessing to create the wind and fire of the Holy Spirit.