8th June – Vestry news and coffee!

8th June 2021

‘All hail the power of Jesus’ name’ was the opening hymn for our service and rendered beautifully by our soloist Laura but unfortunately our recording streamed to our congregation failed at this point but the message was still clear as the service followed with ‘Praise to the Holiest in the height’, concluding with ‘There’s a wideness in God’s mercy’. During the communion of the people we heard the haunting John Bell ‘Come to me, come to me, weak and heavy laden, trust on me, lean on me, I will give you rest’.

Andrea’s sermon with its depiction of our Lord leaving his family to wait whilst he attended to the people in the crowd whom he called His new family – described how we are all part of that family who should strive for togetherness and love both within families but also in the wider world where so much conflict remains.

A Vestry zoom meeting followed on Monday where we had a long discussion on how we can spread the Word by live streaming all our services and the purchase of equipment so to do. The technicians then took over the conversation trying to explain to the rest of us what system and equipment we would use –  to the bemusement  of the rest of us.
We were pleased to hear that Friendship House will shortly reopen initially for two days per week with a large banner accouncing this return to near normal.
Our own service next week will be followed by coffee in our garden, weather permitting, with the discussion centering on which type of cups to use and with which brand of coffee to entice our members!! Do come along to see if you approve – there will be a large urn of tea for those who have not yet adopted the universal need for coffee!
We are  to have a survey of our premises to see where we can adopt an e-agenda and professionals will be coming to assess on a no win no fee basis which suits us very well so watch this space for ideas about under-ground heat source!
Thursday services continue at 10.00am and next Sunday will be as usual at 10.00am and we still have room as we can now stream into the hall so numbers are not a problem.