22nd May – Easter 6: The Spirit is with us

22nd May 2022

This morning we welcomed the Rev Moira Jameson to take our service while Andrea is away. It was good to meet both Moira and her husband Sandy. Gordon taught us another new hymn, this time from the Taize community, ‘Holy Spirit, come to us’ and the congregation rose well to the challenge though we stuck to the English as opposed to the Latin words!

Notices for this week:
Tuesday 10am Prayer Group in the Garden Room.
Thursday 10am   Said Eucharist followed by coffee in Friendship House

Looking ahead…Queen’s Jubilee  Saturday 4th June there will be a Flower Show in Church 10am – 4pm.  We still need  a couple more volunteers to be welcomers in the church for an hour each. Thanks to those who have already offered. Friendship House will also be open. If anyone is able to help with the flower arranging, please let Andrea know.

Saturday 18th June 2pm -4pm Summer Tea Party and Stalls in the hall and garden – volunteers also required to cover stalls and provide tea and service.

Today’s Readings: 
Acts 16: 6-15    Rev. 21:10, 22:1-5     John 14: 25-29

A reflection on Moira’s sermon……  The gospel reading was part of the final words of Jesus to his disciples before his Ascension when he tells them that he must leave them but that the Holy Spirit would be with them so that they would never be alone. Jesus spoke of the peace he was leaving for his disciples and the commandment that they love one another. Moira focused on the theme of going away and coming back, with the promise of Jesus that he would return through the presence of the Holy Spirit. In a vision, Paul was led by the Spirit to Macedonia away from the region where he had been carrying out his ministry. He bought the good news of Jesus Christ to Lydia which led to the baptism of Lydia and all her household. John in the Revelation passage was led by the Spirit to a great high mountain where he was shown the new Jerusalem where Jesus is glorified & light and love reign. We too can follow the way of Christ, loving one another in actions and words with the presence of the Holy Spirit to lead us and bring us the peace that Jesus promised.