9th June – Trinity 2: Good and Evil

10th June 2024

On Sunday Robin led the service and we enjoyed Hugh’s musical accompaniment on the organ.
We were delighted that our recent Flower and Music Festival raised £285 for Water Aid. The church will increase this to £500 as part of our regular charitable giving. We are thankful to all who helped to make this day a success, the beautiful flower arrangements from Milngavie churches and the musical contributions throughout the day by pupils of the Haydock Music School.
Thanks to Harry for creating the first edition of St Andrew’s Monthly Newsletter. Please send contributions for July’s newsletter to Harry: harryandkath9@gmail.com

This Week
Tuesday 10am – Prayer Group in the Garden Room.
Thursday 10am – Said Holy Communion followed by coffee in Friendship House
Saturday 2.30-4.30 – Strawberry Tea in the church hall in support of EDWR (East Dunbartonshire Welcomes Refugees)
Sunday 10am – Sung Holy Communion

Nest Sunday’s readings – Ezekiel 17.22-end,  2 Corinthians 5.6-17,  Mark 4.26-34

Today’s readings – Genesis 3,8-15,  2 Corinthians 4.13-5.1,  Mark 3.20-end

The existence of evil in the world was a theme in today’s scripture passages. In Mark’s gospel reading, Jesus is accused of being mad and possessed by Satan & the Genesis passage tells the story of the temptations and fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Evil is seen throughout the ages and in today’s world where there is so much division, suffering and untruth.  Jesus teaches of the need to bind the strong man, evil. We can do this through prayer and commitment to living our lives in a God-like way seeking reconciliation through love and compassion.