In this season of Advent as we look forward to the birth of Jesus, it’s been a joy to welcome Kelly and Claire’s babies to join Martha and Edith in our children’s corner.
Dear All Today we gathered to light the second Advent candle and to celebrate the Eucharist accompanied by Gordon’s selection of Advent hymns. As always it was lovely to be together. Steve is asking for last minute contributions for the magazine – please forward any material to his email or to… read more >>
We were delighted that Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway presided and preached at our St Andrew’s Patronal Festival on Tuesday evening. Some friends from other churches in Milngavie joined us too. It was a pleasure to meet Kevin and his wife Elspeth for their first time at our… read more >>
Dear All I have now returned from a very good trip South. We fought our way up the M6 yesterday through heavily falling snow but thankfully arrived safely ready to begin a new week. Most importantly we are looking forward to welcoming Bishop Kevin on Tuesday for our Patronal Festival… read more >>
On Sunday, our service was taken by our retired minister Robin Paisley assisted by Lay Reader Fraser Gold, as our rector, Andrea, is on holiday. We celebrated Christ the King with dramatic readings from Daniel and Revelation plus the gospel from John. Robin explained that apocalyptic means removing the veil,… read more >>
Our service on Sunday included an Act of Remembrance which was supported by a wonderful display of poppies reminding us of the fallen. There were the traditional hymns but also the hymn of peace which we always include in our annual service. The first reading was of psalm 46 with… read more >>
Dear All Today was Remembrance Sunday. Pamela had done a wonderful display of poppies reminding us of the fallen. Notices for next week Tuesday 10am Prayer Group in the Garden Room. Thursday Holy Communion 10am followed by coffee in Friendship House Readings for next Sunday – Christ The King Daniel… read more >>
Last Sunday, our minister Andrea recalled her recent visit to St Ninian’s Cave as part of the Clergy Pilgrimage in Galloway. She explained that like the pilgrims of old, we return from time spent away from home to discover that we have changed and that life is never the same… read more >>
Dear All I hope you are well. We are now in, what is known in the church as” The Kingdom Season” essentially that means the four Sundays leading up to Advent. We had a good service, lovely hymns but some of us were challenged by the Rutter setting! Gordon promises… read more >>
The celebration of All Saints Day on 31 October, also known as Reformation Sunday, this year again marked the date of All Hallows Eve in 1517 when Martin Luther, Professor of Moral Theology at the University of Wuttenberg sent his Ninety-five Theses considered to be the start of the Reformation.… read more >>