Today was a red-letter day at St Andrew’s – we had COFFEE for the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic! What a joy it was! It was a beautiful day, so we were able to gather in the garden, have great chat, all the time admiring the handiwork of… read more >>
‘All hail the power of Jesus’ name’ was the opening hymn for our service and rendered beautifully by our soloist Laura but unfortunately our recording streamed to our congregation failed at this point but the message was still clear as the service followed with ‘Praise to the Holiest in the… read more >>
Dear All Once again, my ipad has failed me and turned itself off almost immediately it had started (a problem to do with the icloud which I will sort) However, it did manage to record the first hymn – the link below – All Hail the Power of Jesus Name,… read more >>
As Glasgow looks forward to hosting the COP26, the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference in November, the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway has sent on some information shared by Eco-Congregation Scotland about a monthly prayer gathering hosted by its Glasgow Network: “On the first Thursday of every month from… read more >>
Dear All It was good to be back in church today to celebrate Trinity Sunday. Today Laura’s beautiful singing was accompanied by Penny on the piano bringing much cheer and joy. Gail filled in the gaps very skilfully with a recording of the Communion settings. I’m afraid there is no recording… read more >>
For Whitsunday our service was based on three readings – Acts 2.1-21, Romans 8.2-27 with the Gospel from John 15 and 16. Our preacher was our Lay Reader Emeritus Fraser Gold who took the first part of the service, the Ministry of the Word, in which he expounded the message… read more >>
Although Christian Aid Week has just come to an end, we can still make donations if we’ve not yet had the chance. Normally folks at St. Andrew’s, along with other Milngavie churches, would raise money by door to door collections and soup lunches, but unfortunately, we are still unable to… read more >>
The service for our dear friend Margaret was at Clydebank Dalnottar Crematorium, where Andrea conducted a 30-minute service with recorded music and readings, including a tribute to Margaret by her son Jonathan, which is in the Order of Service Booklet which you can see here: Margaret Hayes’ Funeral Order of… read more >>
This week is Christian Aid Week. Normally we would raise money by undertaking house to house collections and enjoying soup lunches. But unfortunately, we are still unable to do that. However, the charity still desperately needs our financial support. Several extremely poor areas of the world are suffering terribly from… read more >>