During Holy Week, we had the opportunity to be together at St. Andrew’s for Maundy Thursday, when we remembered Jesus sharing the Last Supper and washing his disciples’ feet, and marked his final hours in the Garden of Gethsemane. On Good Friday, the altar remained stripped and we were invited… read more >>
Today we celebrated Easter with great joy at St Andrew’s. It was wonderful to be able to gather in the church, even with an overflow in the hall, to worship and celebrate together. Thank you to all who made this possible, the IT in the hall was genius! A big… read more >>
What a joy seeing our church reopened in time for Palm Sunday! Our wonderful Service of the Palms including having them blessed whilst held aloft after the resounding ‘All Glory glory, laud and honour to our Redeemer King’. We normally sing this whilst processing around the outside of the church… read more >>
We’re delighted that we can plan for the church to reopen for worship from Palm Sunday, 28th March, with sung eucharist and reading of the Passion. Andrea will record all the Holy Week and Easter services and make them available to the congregation via YouTube, especially for folks not yet… read more >>