Towards the end of this most unusual of years, we at St. Andrew’s are continuing the reassuring mediaeval tradition of carol-singing, at a service on Christmas Eve at 5pm. This particular occasion, of course, will involve more listening than singing, but we should have our wonderful cantor for a few… read more >>
It was lovely to have Laura, Martha and Edith back in church this morning now that region restrictions have been lifted. The girls created some lovely Advent Wreath pictures which we will have on the wall for next Sunday. Thank you to Martha and Edith for your art and also… read more >>
Dear All We had another lovely service this morning following the RSCM Advent Pilgrimage. This morning’s theme was fearing. It was wonderful to welcome Laura and the girls back. Once again thank you to the musicians. The St Andrew’s Christmas cards are available at the back of the church –… read more >>
Isaiah 40:1-11 2 Peter 3:8-15 Mark 1:1-8 Dear All I hope you are well. We had a lovely service this morning continuing our Advent worship. The theme this morning was “waiting” Fraser preached about the prophets and Mark, the gospel writer, in the context of this theme. … read more >>
At St. Andrew’s, we continued our Advent Pilgrimage on 6th December, using additional material prepared by the Royal School of Church Music, this week on the theme of Waiting. The candle that was lit for this second Sunday of Advent represents the prophets. Fraser was preaching and spoke of OT… read more >>
Last Sunday we came together to celebrate Advent Sunday and the Feast of St Andrew for our Patronal Festival a day early. The service was enhanced with recorded hymns chosen by Gail on the theme of ‘Hoping’. Waiting and preparing for the great light that is about to come into… read more >>