Jesus Christ is Risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah! Acts 2:42-47 1 Peter 2 :19-25 John 10:1-10 I have just come in from reading my Kindle in the garden. You could have heard a pin drop! It was so quiet! One of the benefits of the lockdown is that… read more >>
Christian Aid week will be very different this year, however the need is as great as ever. Liz has sent this article prepared by the Milngavie Churches Christian Aid committee which explains how people can still make donations. Christian Aid Week 10th to 16th May 2020 Christian Aid Week this… read more >>
Tim has contributed this article that he wrote last year for the magazine ‘Open House’. His reflection on the presence of God in the created world seems particularly relevant for our current situation. Finding God in creation I cannot imagine creation without the God who inspires, designs and sustains the… read more >>
Jesus Christ is Risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah! Acts 2:14,36-41, 1 Peter 1:17-23, Luke 24:13-35 Today is beautiful, its warm and sunny – a spectacular spring day. The trees and bushes are bursting into life. Sitting in the garden it’s peaceful and relaxing. One could be forgiven for… read more >>
Acts 2:14,22-32 1 Peter 1 :3-9 John 20:19-23 Jesus Christ is Risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah! As I sit here at my computer preparing to write my weekly letter to you, I realise it’s been nearly five weeks of isolation! The Easter weekend is now behind us – a milestone… read more >>
As I write this, we come to the end of Holy Week. A journey which has been so different this year as we have travelled in isolation in our homes. Tomorrow we celebrate Easter Day – the day of resurrection, triumph and hope. Never more have we prayed for just… read more >>