St Andrew’s marked Ash Wednesday at the Thursday morning Eucharist this year! This meant that our normal Thursday congregation was doubled so it was very encouraging that a larger number were able to share together in this special service. Due to Covid we were each offered a small amount of… read more >>
Sunday before Lent St Andrew’s Milngavie As we gathered today our prayers and thoughts were very much focused on the invasion and the people of Ukraine. Next Sunday we warmly welcome the family and friends of Claire as we celebrate the Baptism of Sarah during the Sung Eucharist Notices for… read more >>
It wasn’t quite the ‘Beast from the East’ but Milngavie did have its share of snow last Thursday morning. Here is Andrea opening the doors to welcome those who ventured out for the morning service. As always it provided a time of quiet reflection amidst the wild weather outside and… read more >>
The Dorcas group are now enjoying meeting back in the hall. Last Monday it was a macrame activity, learning first of all the knotting process with the aim of making hanging plant holders. It was an enjoyable time with plenty of chat and everyone successfully mastering the knots. This project… read more >>
2nd Sunday before Lent St Andrew’s Milngavie We were a cheerful gathering this morning despite the recent weather and the stormy theme of the readings. Looking ahead to Lent I suggest once again the St Ignatius of Loyola online Lent Retreat. It comprises a piece of scripture, reflection, music, prayer… read more >>
Fourteen intrepid snowdrop viewers, along with Andrea’s dogs, Trinko and Claude, gathered at Mugdock East Car park on Saturday morning, optimistic that wind and rain forecasts would not come to pass. We were blessed in that the rain only started at the finish of the walk and there were… read more >>
3rd Sunday before Lent St Andrew’s Milngavie 2022 Today we were delighted to be joined by a few visitors for our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. Gordon once again treated us to a psalm between the two readings which I must admit for once we sang with gusto! Yesterday we… read more >>
Last Sunday, as part of our service, we celebrated the Queen’s 70th Jubilee, giving thanks for her devoted service, which has been fortified by her strong Christian faith. The theme of the service was Calling and Vocation. Andrea, our rector, pointed out that the first disciples were an eclectic mix,… read more >>
4th Sunday before Lent 2022 St Andrew’s Milngavie Dear All Today as we gathered for the Sunday Eucharist, we remembered and gave thanks to Her majesty The Queen for her service to this country as she celebrates her 70th anniversary of succession to the throne. Our final hymn was the… read more >>
Tim and Jane have planned a Snowdrop Walk for us on Saturday 12th February, meeting at Mugdock East Car Park at 10.00 followed by soup back in the church hall at 12.00. We’re looking forward to walking together and hopefully seeing lots of snowdrops reminding us that Spring is on… read more >>