Dear All I hope you are well. Today we met to celebrate the Eucharist for the last Sunday after Trinity. The service was followed by our AGM in the hall after coffee. The AGM is always a chance to reflect on the year we have had. Despite the obvious restrictions and challenges… read more >>
Activity in St Andrew’s this week involves our usual 10.00 am services on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and we shall as usual meet in Friendship House for coffee which is open now on Thursdays and Fridays. In addition to coming to our St Andrew’s activities why not support Friendship House… read more >>
Dear All We had a lovely gathering this morning for our Sunday Eucharist. Gordon kept us on our toes by treating us to two new hymns and a singing practise before we began! Notices for this week Tuesday 10am Prayer Group in the garden room. Book Group 7.30pm in the… read more >>
Dear All I hope you are well. Today we had a wonderful gathering for our harvest festival service. Gordon treated us to some uplifting traditional harvest hymns, Fraser preached great words of wisdom and the church was beautifully decorated in harvest fashion. There was the usual alter offertory of produce… read more >>
Dear All I hope you are well. Once again, we had a lovely gathering this morning. Gordon was treating us to some new hymns – I really enjoyed the gradual, less sure about the communion, however we all enjoyed Tell Out My Soul on the piano at the end! On… read more >>
Dear All Once again, we had a cheerful gathering this morning. Notices for this week Tuesday 10am Prayer Group in the garden room. Thursday Holy Communion 10am followed by coffee in Friendship House Other notices……. Saturday 2nd October Gardening Party 10-12pm – everyone welcome to take part in this gardening… read more >>
Twenty one of us gathered at the church at midday on Saturday ready to set off on a walk led by Tim and Jane. It was lovely to be joined by friends from other churches as well as Veronica’s visiting friends from Hong Kong! Three doggy friends Ted, Trixie and… read more >>
In spite of some uncertainties beforehand, Laura was delighted to be able to participate in the Loch Eilde Mor 10k Trail Race raising funds for Dumbarton’s Food Bank ‘Food for Thought’. The route is tough and conditions were very wet underfoot so Laura was very pleased to be the 27th… read more >>
Dear All I hope you are well. We had a small but up lifting gathering at St Andrew’s this morning with Gordon excelling himself on the piano for the final hymn – a great tune to “Christ Triumphant” which he assures me we will have again soon! Yesterday many of… read more >>
Dear All, I hope you are well. Below is a script of this morning’s sermon. We had a lovely gathering this morning with some rousing singing accompanied by Gordon on the organ and the piano. Over the last year or so we have welcomed several new people to St Andrew’s… read more >>