Dear All I hope you are well. Today is Advent Sunday. We had a lovely service this morning celebrating the beginning of Advent and the churches new year plus we also, because of the covid restrictions, celebrated our Patronal Festival a day early. Once again our worship was enhanced by… read more >>
The liturgical year ended on Sunday with the celebration of the Feast of Christ the King, an occasion on which to give thanks for Jesus the servant king and anticipate a time when all people are gathered together under his loving rule. The season of Advent begins now, with aspects… read more >>
Dear All I hope you are all well. We had a lovely service this morning for the Feast of Christ the King. Our worship was enhanced by the wonderful singing of Liz and Gail under the direction, of course, of Gordon. Below is the script of the sermon. Next Sunday… read more >>
In this period of renewed uncertainty our vestry met last night by Zoom with ambitious plans for services during our Advent pilgrimage and indeed up to a Christmas Eve Carol service and Christmas day with a new normal service. We are continually blessed by having singers and hymns which enhance… read more >>
Dear All I hope you are all well. Below is the sermon for today. The service itself is being uploaded into a You Tube as I write and will be forwarded as soon as it is ready. Many thanks to Liz today who had to step in at the last minute… read more >>
For Remembrance Sunday, our service included as usual a period of respectful silence, during which we remembered before God all those who gave their lives in the two world wars and in many conflicts since. The hymns were sensitively chosen, beginning with ‘I Vow to Thee my Country’ to the… read more >>
Dear All Below is the script for todays sermon for Remembrance Sunday. A YouTube recording of the service will, hopefully, be ready shortly. Love to you all. Andrea xx John 15:12-17, Romans 8:31-end, Revelation 21:1-7 A few weeks ago, we watched great film called The 12th Man. Set in Norway during… read more >>