Talent Auction events are now well underway and last weekend a group of us had our first attempt at making sourdough bread under the expert guidance of Liz MacDonald. Starting on the Saturday afternoon, we learned about the ‘starter’, which is simply a mixture of flour and water left to… read more >>
A candle was lit in our Advent Wreath for each of the 4 Sundays in Advent culminating in the lighting of the Christ candle on Christmas morning. During Advent in this time of preparation and waiting for Christ’s coming, some of us focused on personal prayer/reflection using books that Steve… read more >>
A wonderful Christmas meal was enjoyed by over forty of our members and friends on Saturday when Clare and her team produced three courses of sheer deliciousness, including Mary’s homemade mince pies. Caroline did not disappoint with this year’s quiz, and the winning table, overcome with Christmas spirit, generously shared… read more >>
St. Andrew’s continued its 140th anniversary celebrations with special Advent Sunday music and liturgy, based on a Festival Service from the Royal School of Church Music: ‘Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?’. Drawing from a rich Christian heritage of practice in seeking wisdom, the service gives liturgical form to this search.… read more >>
On the Eve of St Andrew’s Day we held our Patronal Service which was particularly special this year as it marked the 140th Anniversary of the founding of our little church, which was built and gifted as a Mission church by the 19th Laird of Milngavie, Archibald Campbell Douglas. We celebrated… read more >>
A very enjoyable Dorcas session on Saturday was led by Sophie McVey, who demonstrated the art of pompom wreath-making. With pompom looms and wool of many colours, we produced fluffy balls of varying sizes and attached them to circular frames, finally decorating the wreaths with ribbon, braid and organza.… read more >>
Remembrance was marked in a very special way this year. As well as our service on Remembrance Sunday morning in St Andrew’s, we also hosted a Memorial Concert performed by Milngavie Choir directed by Jonathan Sedgwick, accompanist Penny Haydock along with the Bearsden Academy Man Choir directed by Linda Bryce.… read more >>
Saturday Morning saw the church hall busy with chat over tea, coffee and delicious home baking. There were stalls with Dorcas craft including a variety of candles & beautiful bags made from recycled coffee packets, books & CDs, mouthwatering & attractively presented cakes, biscuits and tablet on the baking stall… read more >>
Following on from the success of last month’s candle-making, there was a chance again to do it today. The hall quickly filled up with the smell of hot wax intermingled with the wafts of essential oils as we set about making our individual candles with choices of container, colour &… read more >>
This morning we enjoyed a service of thanksgiving for harvest, for our food that comes from many parts of the world, for farmers and all involved in the food industry. Andrea linked the harvest theme with the gospel reading from Luke 17:1-18 about the ten lepers whom Jesus healed but… read more >>