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There was a good atmosphere at the coffee morning last Saturday with a buzz of laughter & chat as people enjoyed tea/coffee and delicious baking. Stalls were filled with crafts including creations from our Dorcas group, books, baking and bric-a-brac where there were bargains a plenty! Thank you to all… read more >>

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This Sunday our service will end a little earlier than usual so that those who wish to join the other Milngavie churches and the local community for a combined Act of Remembrance, will be able to get there for the start.

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Our small choir has begun rehearsing for a service on 25th November to celebrate the Kingship of Christ, using a new Royal School of Church Music Festival Service book. Thank you to our friends who are providing extra voices and to Hugh Macdonald for his musical direction.

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Coffee, tea, cake and biscuits set us up for our AGM after our morning service. In the Rector’s report Andrea reported on the life of St Andrew’s over the past year, which has been full with many events and activities both social and spiritual, including participation in a number of Milngavie… read more >>

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On Saturday 15th September, we had an enjoyable, relaxing time creating dementia muffs, both knitted and also out of material. These muffs are often found to have a calming effect on a person suffering from dementia who likes to fiddle with something, as well as helping hands to feel warm… read more >>

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The rainy weather didn’t dampen the spirits of the eighteen folk gathered for the Quiet Afternoon last Sunday in the beautiful surroundings of Schoenstatt. With the shelter of umbrellas & macs, twelve of the group had a wet walk through the forest & all gathered  together afterwards for a time… read more >>

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A quiet afternoon is planned at Schoenstatt Retreat House on Sunday August 26th 1.30-4.30 led by Liz Farrow. As last year, we shall reflect upon a gospel passage, share our thoughts, listen to music and enjoy a walk in the beautiful grounds. No activity incomplete at St Andrew’s without some refreshments to… read more >>

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11.00 till 3.00 at St Andrew’s Church Hall. Opportunity to make origami butterflies, decorative hearts, jewellery or greetings cards. This is a summer pick and mix session so bring your imagination and enjoy creating something with all the materials provided. Do come for some of the time if you can’t… read more >>